Thursday, June 26, 2008

Exercises That Will Help You Lose Weight Quickly

The two components of burning fat and losing weight are diet and exercise. This makes sense because the simple fact is you have to use up more calories than you take in to lose weight. The two ways of doing this are taking in less calories than you normally do through a new diet, or burning more calories than you usually do through more exercise. Logically then, the best and quickest results would come through a combination of both. This article will focus on exercises that will help you lose weight quickly.

Cardio is the most effective type of exercise for losing weight. While I highly recommend resistance training while trying to lose weight to prevent muscle catabolism and ensure fat is being burned, it just does not burn enough calories to help with weight loss. Also exercises that target the midsection or other trouble areas do not help to burn fat there. It is impossible to "spot reduce." The best way to burn belly fat or troublesome thigh fat is to losefat all over through healthy diet and exercise.

The best type of cardio in my opinion is HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training. In HIIT, one starts with a low intensity warmup, for instance a jog. Then you sprint for a short interval such as 20-30 seconds. Then you jog for around 30 seconds. Repeat the cycle of high and low intensities until you can't go on any longer. Even in the most well conditioned athletes this shouldnt be more than 15 minutes.

There are a few reasons I like HIIT over traditional, long, low intensity cardio for weight loss.
  • It is much quicker and less boring. A session is 15 minutes or less and its high intense enough to keep you interested unlike jogging hours at a time.
  • There are many options. Using the cycling of intensities, you can run, bike, or even jumprope and lose weight efficiently.
  • It boosts your metabolism throughout the day. Here's the most important one. While long, low intensity cardio usually burns more fat during the actual exercise itself, HIIT boosts your metabolism so you will be burning fat all day long.

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