Saturday, June 28, 2008

Diet Reviews: The Jenny Craig Diet -- How Does The Jenny Craig Diet Work

Here is my first diet review post. The diet that will be reviewed today is the popular Jenny Craig diet. First I will be going over how the Jenny Craig diet works, and then I will analyze whether or not the Jenny Craig diet is worth the costIn the mid 1980's Jenny Craig put together a weight loss regimen that eventually became her weight loss company. This diet has since skyrocketed in popularity and the weight loss business has turned into a booming industry.

The Jenny Craig diet's main draws are the frozen meals that get delivered to your door and the personal consultant and advice you get. What happens is your consultant will create a meal plan based on how many calories you need and then you will get the right frozen meals. This actually works very well because many people lack the knowledge and dedication to form and stick to a good, strict diet. The Jenny Craig company also advises that people trying to lose weight with there system do a good amount of exercise every day. This makes perfect sense and any diet plan claiming otherwise should immediately raise red flags in your head. After several weeks of strictly eating the Jenny Craig meals, the users then transition and start to plan there own meals with the help of their weight loss consultant. This is so that they don't become dependent on the pre-packaged meals and they learn to control portion sizes and select healthy foods so that they can live a healthy lifestyle. Depending on the membership level, the person would start going in for monthly checkups after they reach their target weight to make sure they are maintaining healthy eating habits and were not just looking to lose weight quickly.

So that is how the Jenny Craig diet works. Is Jenny Craig good or bad for you. This diet is based on solid foundations and system is proven to work. However, is it worth the cost. That is what I will be addressing the next post.

1 comment:

Sexier said...

Thanks for the post. It wpould really be great to know the most effective and safest way to lose weight quickly.